5 part time creative job offers in state of Orissa
1-5 of 5 jobs
- Bhubaneswar 5
- Orissa 5
- Video Editor 4
- Graphic Designer 1
- Apprenticeship
- Contractor
- Graduate
- Permanent 1
- Temporary
- Volunteer
- Full Time
- Part Time 1
- Last day 0
- Within the last 7 days 4
Graphic Design part time job/internship at Bhubaneswar in...
Dayanidhi Dahima Bhubaneswar, Orissa
...design concepts 4. Scripting and developing creative content 5. Staying updated with market trends and industry standards Number of internships available: 2
15 days ago in InternshalaReport -
Immediate Start! Video Editor - [GXP969]
JustVish Creative Studios Bhubaneswar, Orissa
...is a FULL-TIME Role for a Experienced candidate. This is also office-based role in Bhubaneswar ONLY. Remote or part-time applications will not be considered.
2 days ago in Kitjob_inReport -
Video Editor | ZA516
JustVish Creative Studios Bhubaneswar, Orissa
...is a FULL-TIME Role for a Experienced candidate. This is also office-based role in Bhubaneswar ONLY. Remote or part-time applications will not be considered.
2 days ago in Kitjob_inReport -
[FXF857] Video Editor
JustVish Creative Studios Bhubaneswar, Orissa
...is a FULL-TIME Role for a Experienced candidate. This is also office-based role in Bhubaneswar ONLY. Remote or part-time applications will not be considered.
2 days ago in Kitjob_inReport -
[N197] Video Editor
JustVish Creative Studios Bhubaneswar, Orissa
...is a FULL-TIME Role for a Experienced candidate. This is also office-based role in Bhubaneswar ONLY. Remote or part-time applications will not be considered.
2 days ago in Kitjob_inReport
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